Privacy Policy

Who we are

The Brussels Street Photography Festival (BSPF) is a project of BREEDBEELD asbl.

BREEDBEELD asbl respects your rights when processing your personal data. This statement tells you how we collect, process and use your personal data. This privacy statement indicates the general dataprocessing and data protection policy of:

Vorstermanstraat 7, bus 1.5, 2000, Antwerp
Company number 475 631 481

For further information, questions or remarks about our privacy policy, please contact Sigrid Debusschere at

What personal datadoes BSPF collect, why and on what basis?

BSPF only collects data that are necessary for the purpose for which the user subscribes. What data these are depends on the nature and purpose of that contact. We use the collected data only for the purposes for which we obtained them. Additional data is collected only to get a sense of the target audience, for analysis and for reporting to the government.

We collect data for the following purposes:


For our newsletter we only ask for your name and e-mail address, which is sufficient to keep you further informed about our offer, our own activities and those in which we are a partner. We do this on the basis of your consent. You can subscribe and unsubscribe whenever you want.


For participation in competitions and activities, we ask for your name as well as your e-mail address in order to process your registration. Via e-mail we keep you informed about the activity and next editions. When it is useful for the nature of the activity, we can also ask for your cell phone number. We only use your number to notify you of last-minute changes. The payment details are recorded in our bookkeeping and collected to be able to execute the agreement. We also ask for your date of birth, gender and place of residence/country. We do this in order to be able to map out our target audience per competition and activity, to report on this to the government and to be able to adjust our activities accordingly. This data is only used for analysis and reporting purposes and is in no case shared with third parties. 


For volunteers, we ask for an account number in addition to the name, address, national registration number and phone number. This information is necessary to draw up a volunteer agreement so that the volunteer is insured and a volunteer allowance can be paid.

How does BSPF collect your data?

For competitions, activities and volunteer registration, we ask participants to forward their data via a form we create with the platform Jotform. When you sign up for our newsletter, your email address is automatically transferred to the mailing service Mailchimp.

How long does BSPF keep your data?

We keep all data of participants in activities, as well as images submitted in competitions, until the end of the following calendar year. Thus, if you participate in an activity in May 20XX, these will be deleted at the end of December 20XX+1. The same applies to data of volunteers, CVs and letters of applicants to job openings. Data of finalists and winners of the BSPF are kept for 5 years. We keep documents in accounting records for as long as required by law. For most documents, this is 10 years, to take effect after the close of the accounting year.

Does BSPF pass on your data to third parties?

BSPF will never share your personal data with sponsors or partners. Should we want to do so for any reason, we will ask your explicit permission. BSPF does cooperate with third parties to enable data processing, such as web hosting, newsletters (Mailchimp), online participation forms (Jotform) and IT infrastructure. For accounting, we also work with an external firm. We have a processing agreement with these parties that ensures the security of your personal data. We process our personal data in statistics to inform the Flemish government about our operations. We always do this on the basis of anonymous figures. We do not provide personal data to parties established outside the European Union.

What is the cookie policy of BSPF?

Our website uses cookies. A cookie is a simple small file sent with pages from a website and stored by your browser on your computer's hard drive. The information stored therein can be sent back to our servers during your next visit. BSPF itself only uses cookies to analyze the use of our website via Google Analytics, we never use personal information for this purpose. More info about cookies and deleting cookie files on your own computer can be found

What does BSPF do to protect your data?

BSPF stores your personal data on the BREEDBEELD server. This is password protected and can only be accessed by BREEDBEELD staff and, in some cases, also by a temporary employee, intern or volunteer. We also make daily backups of this data on an external hard drive so that we can replenish your data in the event of a failure or malfunction. In addition to digital documents, we also have hard copies of the accounting records. These only leave the office to go to the accountant. Our office is secured with an alarm when nobody is present.

What are your rights regarding your data?

As a data subject, you always have the right to inspect the personal data we received from you, to correct them if they are incorrect or incomplete, to have them deleted, to have their processing restricted and to object to their processing. To do so, please send an email to We then ask that you also send a copy of your identity card with it so that we can ensure your identity. You also have the right to have your data transferred to yourself or directly to a third party.

If you do not agree with the way we process your data, you can file a complaint with the Privacy Commission, Press Street 35, 1000 Brussels or (

Modification of privacy statement

BSPF has the right to modify its privacy statement. These changes will appear on our website.

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